Access property of the Cloud DB zone.
Size of the Cloud DB zone, in bytes. -1: The size is unlimited. If the value is an integer other than -1, the value is the actual size.
Cloud DB zone name.
Data persistency property of the Cloud DB zone.
Synchronization property of the Cloud DB zone.
Specifies whether to encrypt Cloud DB zone on the device.
Size of the Cloud DB zone, in bytes. The value is of the long type. Default value: 104857600 (100 MB). The options are as follows: -1: The size is unlimited. When the value is an integer, it is the actual size. The value must be greater than or equal to 1048576 (1 MB).
Encryption key of Cloud DB zone on the device. The value contains 1 to 128 characters. This parameter is mandatory when a key is added.
New encryption key of Cloud DB zone on the device. The value contains 1 to 128 characters. This parameter is mandatory when the key is changed. Otherwise, the parameter value is null or an empty string.
Data persistency property of the Cloud DB zone. Default value: true.
Name of a Cloud DB zone which represents a unique data storage zone.
Synchronization property of the Cloud DB zone, which specifies whether to synchronize data of Cloud DB zone between the device and the cloud and the synchronization mode. The values are as follows: SyncProperty.CLOUDDBZONE_LOCAL_ONLY, SyncProperty.CLOUDDBZONE_CLOUD_CACHE
Access property of the Cloud DB zone, which is used to define the security property when an application accesses Cloud DB zone. The value is of the enumerated type: AccessProperty.CLOUDDBZONE_PUBLIC:
AGCCloudDBZoneConfig Instance.
Generated using TypeDoc
This class is used to create a AGCCloudDBZoneConfig object and configure Cloud DB zone information such as the synchronization property, access property, encrypted storage property, and data persistency property.
该类用于创建 AGCCloudDBZoneConfig 对象,配置 Cloud DB zone 的同步属性、访问属性、加密存储和数据持久化属性等信息。