Location Kit (HMS Core) Quick Start

HUAWEI Location Kit combines the GPS, Wi-Fi, and base station location functionalities into your app to build up global positioning capabilities, allowing you to provide flexible location-based services targeted at users around the globe. Currently, it provides three main capabilities: fused location, activity identification, and geofence. You can call one or more of these capabilities as needed.

  • Fused location: Provides a set of simple and easy-to-use APIs for your app to quickly obtain the device location based on the GPS, Wi-Fi, and base station location data.

  • Activity identification: Identifies user motion status through the acceleration sensor, cellular network information, and magnetometer, helping you adapt your app to user behavior.

  • Geofence: Allows you to set an interested area through an API so that your app can receive a notification when a specified action (such as leaving, entering, or staying in the area) occurs.


Fused Location

If the application needs to request equipment location information, developers can apply for location permissions for the application, then calls the HMS Core request position update interfacerequestLocationUpdates(), according to the need to specify the location, access to the location of the continuous information callback. If you want to cancel the location callback once you have the location information, you can cancel the location update by calling the removeremoveLocationUpdates()interface.

Activity Identification

If the application needs to get the device motion state, for example: Applications such as walking, running, cycling, or need to change to detect the state of motion of the user, so developers can apply for active status identification for the application permissions, update the interface by calling the activity state recognitioncreateActivityIdentificationUpdates(), for the current user's active, And remove the activity recognition update just call deleteActivityIdentificationUpdates()interface. If need to change to detect the state of motion of the user, you can invoke activity state transition interface createActivityConversionUpdates(), through the interface can monitor the activities of the current equipment state transition, and remove the monitor, Just call deleteActivityConversionUpdates() interface.


If you are interested in a particular location, you can create a geofence called createGeofenceList() based on the location of the location you want to follow. At the same time, the developer can detect the user's time in the fence and send a notification when the user has been in the fence for a certain amount of time.

Version Update Description

  • Latest Version:[3.x]1.0.5_6.12.0.300

    • Improve internal implementation
  • [3.x]1.0.1_6.12.0.300

    • Update to
  • [3.x]0.0.5_6.11.0.301

    • Update the SDK and add some functions.

Enable Location Kit Service

  • Use Cocos Creator to open the project that needs to be connected to Location Kit.

  • Click on Panel -> Service in the menu bar to open the Service panel, select Location Kit service to go to the service detail page, and then click on the Enable button in the top right to enable the service.


  • Refer to the Configuring App Information in AppGallery Connect documentation to complete developer registration, app creation, enable Huawei Analysis Service parameter configuration, and enable the API.

  • Fill in App installation source in "Params Config" of Analytics Kit service panel. For example, if the installation source of the application is Huawei AppGallery, you can fill in AppGallery. The installation source name can contain up to 128 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and spaces. The name cannot start or end with a space if it contains only digits.

Configs HUAWEI Config File

Most of HUAWEI Services need the agconnect-services.json configuration file. If there are operations such as newly opened services, please update the file in time.

  • Sign in to AppGallery Connect find your project from the project list and select the app on the project card.

  • On the Project Setting page, click the configuration file agconnect-services.json to download it. The agconnect-services.json file must be copied manually to the settings directory of the project directory after downloading or updating.



  1. Please make sure that you have completed the generating/configuring the signing certificate Fingerprint to config the SHA-256 certificate fingerprint.

  2. If the Debug Mode is checked in the Build panel, the developer needs to configure the Keystore signature file in the app/build.gradle file of Android Studio.


  3. For Creator v2.4.3 and above, if you want to publish to the HUAWEI AppGallery Connect, you can select the downloaded or updated configuration file directly in the Build panel, no need to copy it manually.


Verify whether the service is integrated successfully

  • Can be issued, after the completion of code to add to the Android platform, please make sure that the build release package name in the panel with huawei background set package name consistent.

  • After the project runs to the mobile phone for the first time, if the dialog box for applying location permission pops up (see the picture below), it means that the access is successful.


  • You can view logs in Logcat if you have requested permission.

Sample Project

Developer can get a quick taste of the Location Kit with the sample project.

  • Click on the Sample button in the Location Kit service panel, clone or download, and open the project in Cocos Creator.

  • After enabling the Location Kit service and configuring the HUAWEI configuration file as described above, you can open the Build panel to compile the project by clicking Project -> Build in the Creator editor menu bar. Cocos Creator v2.4.1 and above, you could publish to HUAWEI AppGallery Connect. Below Creator v2.4.1 could publish to the Android platform.

  • Need to test on Huawei or Honor brand phones with HMS Core service installed.

  • Once the Sample project is running on the phone, click the Location button on the homepage for testing.


Developer Guide

All functions of Location Kit within async callback. Call the function with huawei.hms.location.locationService.once to get a single callback, or use huawei.hms.location.locationService.on lintener to listen for callbacks.

Location Service


Refer to Developing the Location Service.

Checking the Device Location Settings

checkLocationSettings(): void

Checks whether relevant location settings are valid.


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_LOCATION_SETTINGS, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('checkLocationSettings...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('checkLocationSettings...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);


Request location permission

requestLocationPermission(): void

Dynamic application location permission method.


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_LOCATION_PERMISSION, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) 
        console.log('requestLocationPermission...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('requestLocationPermission...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);


Get location data availability

getLocationAvailability ():void


Parameter Description
isLocationAvailable Check whether the equipment location is known
getLocationStatus Gets the location status of the device


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.API_EVENT_LIST.HMS_LOCATION_GET_LOCATION_AVAILABILITY, (result) => {

Requests location updates

requestLocationUpdatesEx(): void

Requests location updates. This is an extended location service API that supports high-precision location and is compatible with common location APIs.


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_REQUEST_LOCATION_UPDATE, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('requestLocationUpdates...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('requestLocationUpdates...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);

huawei.hms.location.locationService.requestLocationUpdatesEx(); // For high-precision location

Obtains the available location of the last request

getLastLocation(): void

Instead of proactively requesting a location, this method uses the location cached during the last request.

The value null may be returned in the following scenarios:

  • The location function has never been used.

  • The location function is disabled.

  • The device is restored to factory settings.

If real-time location is required, you are advised to proactively call requestLocationUpdates instead of getLastLocation.


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_LAST_LOCATION, (location) => {
    if (location.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('getLastLocation...', 'success', lon:' + location.longitude + ",lat:" + location.latitude);
    } else {
        console.log('getLastLocation...', 'fail:', location.errMsg);


getLastLocationWithAddress(): void

Obtains the available location of the last request, including the detailed address information. If a location is unavailable, null will be returned.


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_GET_HWLOCATION, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('getLastLocationWithAddress success, data is ', JSON.stringify(result));
    } else {
        console.log('getLastLocationWithAddress fail, reason ', result.errMsg);


Flush location

flushLocations(): void

Updates the location under processing.

Note: Currently, the flushLocations() method is not provided, nor implemented in the HMS SDK.


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_FLUSH_LOCATIONS, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('flushLocations success,data is ', result.toString());
    } else {
        console.log('flushLocations fail ,reason ', result.errMsg);


Using the Mock Location Function

This function is used for a test environment. Open Android Settings menu, go to System & updates > Developer options > Select mock location app and select the desired app. If Developer options is unavailable, open Android Settings menu, go to About phone and tap Build number for seven consecutive times. Then, Developer options will be displayed on System & updates.

Apply for the mock location permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file.

tools:ignore="MockLocation,ProtectedPermissions" />

Set mock mode:

setMockMode(mockMode: boolean): void

Sets whether to use the location mock mode. If the value true is passed, the GPS or network location is not used and the location set through setMockLocation is directly returned (see below for the reference of setMockLocation).

Parameter Description:

Parameter Description
mockMode If this parameter is set to true, the mock mode will be enabled. Can be set to false when mock mode is no longer needed.


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_MOCK_MODE, (result) => {
    if (location.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('setMockMode...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('setMockMode...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);


Sets a specific mock location

setMockLocation(latitude: string, longitude: string): void

You must call the setMockMode (boolean) method and set it to true before calling this method.

Parameter Description:

Parameter Description
latitude value of latitude
longitude value of longitude


huawei.hms.location.locationService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_MOCK_LOCATION, (result) => {
    if (location.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success)
        console.log('setMockLocation...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('setMockLocation...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);

//set longitude and latitude

Activity Identification Service


Refer to Developing the Activity Identification Service.

Assigning App Permissions

requestRecognitionPermission(): void

The preceding permissions are dangerous permissions and need to be dynamically applied.



Registers activity identification updates

createActivityIdentificationUpdates(intervalMillis: number): void

Registers activity identification updates.

Parameter Description:

Parameter Description
intervalMillis Interval for detecting activity updates, in milliseconds. Larger values will result in fewer activity detections. Smaller values will result in more activity detections.


huawei.hms.location.locationActivityService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_CREATE_ACTIVITY_IDENTIFICATION_UPDATES, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('requestActivityUpdates...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('requestActivityUpdates...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);

huawei.hms.location.locationActivityService.createActivityIdentificationUpdates(parseInt(time) || 5000);

Set listener for location activity service update


huawei.hms.location.locationActivityService.on(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_ACTIVITY_UPDATES, (result) => {
    console.log('HMS_ACTIVITY_UPDATES...', JSON.stringify(result));
}, this);

huawei.hms.location.locationActivityService.on(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_CONVERSION_UPDATES, (result) => {
    console.log('HMS_CONVERSION_UPDATES...', JSON.stringify(result));
}, this);

Removes activity identification updates associated

deleteActivityIdentificationUpdates(): void


huawei.hms.location.locationActivityService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_REMOVE_ACTIVITY_CONVERSION_UPDATES, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('deleteActivityUpdates...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('deleteActivityUpdates...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);


Detects activity conversions

createActivityConversionUpdates(params: any): void

Detects activity conversions (entering and exit), for example, detecting user status change from walking to bicycling.


huawei.hms.location.locationActivityService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_CREATE_ACTIVITY_CONVERSION_UPDATES, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('createActivityConversionUpdates...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('createActivityConversionUpdates...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);
let cls = huawei.hms.location.ConversionInfo;
let type = huawei.hms.location.ACTIVITY_IDENTIFICATION_ENUM;
let cType = huawei.hms.location.ACTIVITY_CONVERSION_TYPE;
let infoList = [
    new cls(type.STILL, cType.EXIT_ACTIVITY_CONVERSION),


Removes activity conversion updates

deleteActivityConversionUpdates(): void


huawei.hms.location.locationActivityService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_REMOVE_ACTIVITY_CONVERSION_UPDATES, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('deleteActivityConversionUpdates...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('deleteActivityConversionUpdates...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);


Geofence Service


Refer to Developing the Geofence Service.

Set listener for geofence service


huawei.hms.location.locationGeofenceService.on(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_RECEIVE_GEOFENCE_DATA, (result) => {
    console.log('HMS_RECEIVE_GEOFENCE_DATA...', JSON.stringify(result));
}, this);

Adds geofences

createGeofenceList(list: Array<GeofenceData>, type: HMS_LOCATION_GEOFENCEREQUEST)


huawei.hms.location.locationGeofenceService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_CREATE_GEOFENCE_LIST, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('createGeofenceList...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('createGeofenceList...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);
let cls = huawei.hms.location.GeofenceData;
let type = huawei.hms.location.GEOFENCE_TYPE;
let list = [
    new cls(
        this.editBox.string,    //setUniqueId
        24.4813889,             //setRoundArea, latitude
        118.1590724,            //setRoundArea, longitude
        2000,                   //setRoundArea, radius
        60 * 60 * 1000,         //setValidContinueTime
        1000                    //setDwellDelayTime
let requestType = huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_GEOFENCEREQUEST;
let initType = requestType.EXIT_INIT_CONVERSION | requestType.ENTER_INIT_CONVERSION | requestType.DWELL_INIT_CONVERSION;
console.log('createGeofenceList...', 'params=', JSON.stringify(list), 'init type=', initType);

huawei.hms.location.locationGeofenceService.createGeofenceList(list, initType);

remove a geofence through PendingIntent

removeWithIntent(): void


huawei.hms.location.locationGeofenceService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_REMOVE_GEOFENCE_WITH_INTENT, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('removeWithIntent...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('removeWithIntent...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);


Remove a geofence by geofence ID

removeWithID(removeID: string): void


huawei.hms.location.locationGeofenceService.once(huawei.hms.location.HMS_LOCATION_EVENT_LISTENER_NAME.HMS_REMOVE_GEOFENCE_WITH_ID, (result) => {
    if (result.code === huawei.hms.location.LocationActivityService.StatusCode.success) {
        console.log('removeWithID...', 'success');
    } else {
        console.log('removeWithID...', 'fail:', result.errMsg);

var removeID = "ID1";

API Reference

Please refer to the Location Kit - API Reference.

  • Refer to the Configuring App Information in AppGallery Connect documentation to complete developer registration, app creation, enable Huawei Analysis Service parameter configuration, and enable the API.

  • Fill in App installation source in "Params Config" of Analytics Kit service panel. For example, if the installation source of the application is Huawei AppGallery, you can fill in AppGallery. The installation source name can contain up to 128 characters, including letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and spaces. The name cannot start or end with a space if it contains only digits.

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